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Hyundai i20 Anti Theft Locking Alloy Wheel Nuts / Bolts (12x1.50)

High quality locking wheel nuts, you will receive 4 x locking nuts and a key.
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  • Return

    If you would like to return your item please contact us immediately. If the item is damaged or the incorrect item do not throw it away. We will happily replace it with a new item or the correct item. We will try out best not to inconvenience you. Certain items cannot be returned such as intimate items, but again if there is a problem with what you have received please let us know and we can resolve it for you. None of this will affect your consumer rights. If you would like to speak with a customer service representative, please call us Mon - Fri 9am - 4am and someone will deal with your issue. Please have your order details to hand when you call up.

  • Delivery

    We aim to ship our items as soon as possible. 

    We use Royal Mail for smaller items and a courier for larger items.

    The items should be with you within 5 working days. International orders can take a bit longer.

    If you have any queries please call our customer service team on 01744 735 336 or email us at